Embedded Finance in the US: The Next Big Disruption in Your Wallet in 2024


For most Americans, the traditional financial landscape is a familiar one. It’s a world of brick-and-mortar banks where we deposit our paychecks, credit cards that we swipe for purchases, and investment accounts where we hope to grow our savings for the future. These systems, while reliable, often involve navigating through different platforms, each with their own set of complexities.

Enter embedded finance – a concept that promises to disrupt this status quo by integrating financial services directly into the apps and platforms we use every day. Imagine being able to access your financial needs seamlessly from your favorite shopping, social media, or food delivery app. This is not a distant reality, but a burgeoning trend that is set to make significant strides in the year 2024.

Embedded Finance in the US: The Next Big Disruption in Your Wallet in 2024
Embedded Finance in the US: The Next Big Disruption in Your Wallet in 2024

In this article, we will explore what embedded finance is, how it’s poised to disrupt your wallet in 2024, its benefits, potential challenges, and the future of this trend in the US. So, let’s dive in and understand why embedded finance could be the next big disruption in your wallet.

What is Embedded Finance?

Embedded finance is a term that refers to the integration of financial services within non-financial applications. In simpler terms, it’s the concept of offering banking and financial services where customers are already spending their digital time, such as shopping platforms, ride-hailing apps, or social media.

This innovative approach allows users to access financial services seamlessly, without having to switch between different apps or platforms. It’s about making finance a part of the user’s digital journey, rather than a separate destination.

Let’s look at some examples of embedded finance in action:

Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL):

This service, offered by companies like Afterpay and Klarna, allows customers to purchase items immediately and pay for them over time. The BNPL option is directly integrated into the checkout process of online retailers, making it a seamless part of the shopping experience.

Instant Ride-Hailing Payments:

Ride-hailing apps like Uber and Lyft have integrated payment systems that automatically charge the customer’s stored payment method at the end of a ride. This eliminates the need for cash or manual card payments, making the payment process quick and effortless.

These examples illustrate how embedded finance can streamline transactions, making them quicker, easier, and more convenient for users. As this trend continues to grow, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of embedded finance in the future.

Embedded Finance in Action: Examples Across Industries:

IndustryTraditional Finance ExperienceEmbedded Finance Experience (2024)Benefit for Consumers
RetailSeparate credit card application, financing options limited to store cards.Buy-now-pay-later options integrated at checkout, instant credit decisions based on purchase history.Easier access to credit, potentially more competitive rates.
Ride-sharingManual payment with cash or linked credit card after ride completion.Seamless in-app payment processing, automatic fare calculation and deduction from linked account.Faster and more convenient checkout process.
Travel BookingSeparate travel insurance purchase process, limited options.Integrated travel insurance options tailored to specific trips, instant purchase during booking.Easier comparison and access to relevant travel insurance.
Online Bill PayManual login to multiple bill pay portals, potential for late fees.Consolidated bill pay within budgeting apps, automatic reminders and scheduling of payments.Streamlined bill management and reduced risk of late payments.
Streaming ServicesSeparate subscriptions for various services.Bundled subscriptions with financial institutions, potential for discounts or rewards.Access to bundled services and potential for cost savings.
On-Demand Services (e.g., Handyman Apps)Payment after service completion, limited payment options.Secure in-app payment processing with various options (credit card, digital wallet), potential for service guarantees.Secure and convenient payment with added consumer protection.
Freelancing PlatformsManual invoicing and chasing payments from clients.Integrated invoicing and payment processing within the platform, faster access to earned funds.Simplified payment process and faster access to income.

How Will Embedded Finance Disrupt Your Wallet in 2024?

Embedded finance is not just a buzzword; it’s a transformative trend that’s set to reshape our financial interactions in 2024 and beyond. Here’s how:

Convenience Factor

The most immediate impact of embedded finance is the convenience it offers. By integrating financial services into the apps and platforms we use daily, it eliminates the need to juggle multiple apps or platforms for different financial needs. Whether it’s making a purchase, sending money to a friend, or even applying for a loan, these transactions can be completed seamlessly within the app you’re already using. This convenience factor is a significant disruptor to traditional banking models, which often require separate interactions for different financial services.

Personalization of Financial Products and Services

Embedded finance also opens up the potential for more personalized financial products and services. By leveraging user data available on the platform, providers can offer tailored financial solutions that align with the user’s behavior, preferences, and needs. This level of personalization is a stark contrast to the one-size-fits-all approach often seen in traditional banking.

Disruptions to Traditional Banking Models

The rise of embedded finance could lead to significant disruptions to traditional banking models. As non-financial platforms begin to offer financial services, they could potentially bypass traditional banks altogether. This could lead to a shift in the financial landscape, with traditional banks needing to innovate and adapt to stay relevant.

Embedded finance in 2024 will offer a more convenient and personalized financial experience, potentially disrupting traditional banking models. As we move towards this future, our wallets might look very different, but in a way that enhances our daily financial interactions.

Traditional Banks vs. Embedded Finance: Strategies for Competition

StrategyDescriptionPotential BenefitsChallenges
Embrace InnovationPartner with fintech companies to offer embedded finance solutions within their own mobile apps.Increased convenience and user engagement, access to new revenue streams.Requires significant investment and potential loss of control over customer experience.
Enhance Digital BankingImprove user experience and functionality of existing mobile banking apps to rival embedded finance features.Maintains customer base within familiar platform, fosters brand loyalty.Requires ongoing investment in technology and user experience design.
Leverage Data AdvantageUtilize existing customer data to personalize financial products and services within their apps.Offers competitive and relevant options to customers, fosters stronger relationships.Raises concerns about data privacy and requires responsible data management practices.
Focus on Niche MarketsSpecialize in areas where embedded finance may not be as prevalent (wealth management, complex loans).Maintains competitive edge in specific financial service areas, caters to underserved segments.Requires strong brand positioning and marketing strategy for niche markets.
Build Strategic PartnershipsCollaborate with non-financial companies to offer co-branded embedded finance products and services.Expands reach and leverages partner’s existing customer base, creates unique value propositions.Requires careful partner selection and alignment of brand values.
Invest in Financial EducationEducate customers about the benefits and potential risks of embedded finance, emphasizing the security and trust offered by traditional banks.Builds trust and positions banks as reliable financial partners, empowers consumers to make informed decisions.Requires effective communication strategies and educational resources for customers.

Benefits of Embedded Finance for US Consumers (2024 and Beyond)

Embedded Finance in the US: The Next Big Disruption in Your Wallet in 2024

Embedded finance is set to bring a host of benefits to US consumers, transforming the way we interact with financial services. Here are some key benefits:

Ease and Speed of Transactions

One of the most significant advantages of embedded finance is the ease and speed of transactions. Financial services integrated within familiar apps streamline the process, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms. Whether you’re buying a product, booking a service, or transferring money, transactions become quicker and more convenient.

Increased Financial Inclusion

Embedded finance has the potential to increase financial inclusion. By integrating financial services into everyday apps, it can reach a wider audience, including those who are traditionally underserved by banks. This could mean easier access to loans, insurance, and other financial products for a larger segment of the population.

More Competitive Rates and Fees

The rise of embedded finance could lead to more competitive rates and fees. As more non-financial companies enter the financial services sector, competition increases. This could drive down costs for consumers, leading to better rates on loans, lower transaction fees, and more affordable financial products.

In conclusion, embedded finance promises a future where financial transactions are faster, more accessible, and potentially more affordable. As we move towards this future, US consumers stand to benefit significantly from these changes.

Potential Challenges of Embedded Finance

While embedded finance offers numerous benefits, it also brings with it a set of challenges that need to be addressed:

Data Security and Privacy Concerns

With increased integration of financial services into everyday apps, data security and privacy become paramount. Users’ financial information is sensitive, and the risk of data breaches or misuse of data is a valid concern. Companies offering embedded finance services will need to prioritize robust security measures and transparent data practices to gain users’ trust.

Reliance on Third-Party Providers

Embedded finance often involves a network of third-party providers, each responsible for different aspects of the service. This reliance on multiple parties can complicate the user experience, especially when issues arise. It also raises questions about accountability and the division of responsibilities among the parties involved.

Need for Consumer Awareness and Responsible Financial Management

As financial services become more accessible and integrated into our daily digital experiences, there’s a need for increased consumer awareness and education. Users must understand the terms of the financial services they’re using, the potential risks involved, and the importance of responsible financial management.

Companies can ensure data privacy with embedded finance through several strategies:

  1. Robust Security Measures: Implementing advanced security protocols, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, can help protect user data from unauthorized access.
  2. Data Minimization: Companies should collect only the data that is necessary for providing their services. This reduces the amount of data that could potentially be compromised in a breach.
  3. Transparency: Companies should be transparent about their data practices. This includes clearly communicating what data is collected, how it’s used, and who it’s shared with.
  4. User Control: Providing users with control over their data is crucial. This includes options to opt-out of data collection, access the data collected about them, and request deletion of their data.
  5. Regular Audits: Regular security audits can help companies identify potential vulnerabilities and address them proactively.
  6. Compliance with Regulations: Companies should ensure they are compliant with all relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the U.S.

By adopting these strategies, companies can not only ensure data privacy but also build trust with their users, which is crucial for the success of embedded finance.

Embedded Finance vs. Traditional Banking: Key Differences

FeatureTraditional BankingEmbedded Finance
FocusStandalone financial institutions offering a wide range of financial products and services.Integration of financial services within non-financial apps and platforms.
AccessRequires dedicated banking apps or physical branches.Accessed seamlessly within existing apps you already use.
ConvenienceSeparate logins and processes for different financial needs.Streamlined experience with financial services readily available within familiar apps.
PersonalizationLimited personalization based on traditional banking data (credit score, etc.).Potential for highly personalized financial products and services based on user data within the platform (purchase history, travel habits, etc.).
Product RangeOffers a broad spectrum of financial products (savings accounts, loans, mortgages, investments).Primarily focused on specific financial services relevant to the platform (payments, buy-now-pay-later, basic budgeting tools).
RegulationHeavily regulated by government agencies.Regulations may vary depending on the type of embedded financial service offered.
Customer RelationshipDirect relationship with the bank.Indirect relationship with the financial service provider behind the embedded finance feature.

The Future of Embedded Finance in the US

As we look towards the future, the growth and ubiquity of embedded finance in the US market seem inevitable. The convenience, personalization, and accessibility it offers are driving rapid adoption among consumers and businesses alike. By 2024 and beyond, we can expect to see embedded finance become a standard feature in many of the digital platforms we use daily.

This growth of embedded finance will undoubtedly have a significant impact on traditional financial institutions. Banks and other financial institutions will need to adapt to this changing landscape, either by embracing embedded finance themselves or by finding new ways to provide value to their customers. The institutions that can successfully navigate this transition will be those that can combine their financial expertise with the innovative approaches of embedded finance.

Projected Growth of the Embedded Finance Market in the US

SourceProjected CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)Estimated Market Value by 2032 (USD Billion)
Statista (as of Feb 2024)Not Available$622.90
Grand View Research (as of Dec 2023)Over 29%Not Available
Allied Market Research (as of Nov 2023)25.40%$66.8 (2022 baseline)
360 Market Updates (as of Oct 2023)53.71%$21,702.96
-CAGR represents the average annual growth rate expected over a specific period (typically 5 or 10 years).
-There is some variance in projected growth rates between different research firms.
-The estimated market value by 2032 shows the significant potential growth of embedded finance in the US market.

Despite the challenges, the future of embedded finance in the US holds much promise. For consumers, it offers the potential for more convenient, personalized, and inclusive financial services. For businesses, it opens up new opportunities for growth and customer engagement. And for the financial industry as a whole, it represents an exciting new frontier of innovation and transformation.

While the journey towards embedded finance may disrupt our traditional notions of banking, the destination promises a future where financial services are more seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. As we navigate this journey, the potential benefits for American consumers are immense, making embedded finance a trend worth watching in 2024 and beyond.

Consumer Awareness and Adoption of Embedded Finance in the US (Based on Recent Surveys)

Source (Year)Survey FindingInsight
Accenture & Plaid (2023)– 72% of US consumers are aware of embedded finance. – 52% of US consumers have used at least one embedded finance service (e.g., buy-now-pay-later at checkout).Growing awareness and initial adoption of embedded finance solutions.
PYMNTS & iQor (2023)– 63% of US consumers are interested in using embedded finance features within non-financial apps. – Top reasons for interest include convenience (42%), faster payments (38%), and access to credit (31%).High consumer interest driven by convenience and potential financial benefits.
Marqeta (2023)– 86% of US mobile wallet users have made purchases through a retailer’s embedded finance option (e.g., buy-now-pay-later).Mobile wallets act as a key entry point for embedded finance adoption, particularly in retail purchases.
Cornerstone Advisors (2023)– Security concerns remain the top barrier for 38% of US consumers hesitant to adopt embedded finance.Data security and privacy remain critical concerns for consumers when considering embedded finance services.
Deloitte (2023)– 61% of US consumers would be more likely to use embedded finance features if offered by a trusted financial institution. – Transparency and control over data are also important factors for consumers (58%).Consumers prioritize trust, security, and data management when choosing embedded finance providers.
-These are just a few examples, and you can find more recent surveys as you continue your research.
-The table highlights the growing awareness and initial adoption of embedded finance, alongside consumer concerns and preferences.

Several businesses across various sectors have embraced embedded finance, integrating financial services into their platforms to enhance user experience and streamline transactions. Here are a few examples:

  1. E-commerce Platforms: Amazon is a prime example of an e-commerce platform that has embraced embedded finance. They offer “Amazon Pay” for quick checkouts and even provide EMI loan options.
  2. Buy Now, Pay Later Services: Klarna and Afterpay are well-known examples of businesses that have integrated financial services into online shopping platforms, allowing customers to purchase items immediately and pay for them over time.
  3. Ride-hailing and Food Delivery Apps: Uber and DoorDash have integrated payment systems into their apps, allowing for seamless transactions at the end of a ride or food delivery.
  4. Wellness Platforms: Mindbody, a wellness platform, has integrated financial services into its offering, enhancing the user experience.
  5. Retailers and Telecom Companies: Many retailers and telecom companies have also started to offer embedded finance options, such as branded credit cards or 1-click payments.

These examples illustrate how businesses are leveraging embedded finance to offer more seamless and convenient financial services to their users.

Call to Action

As we stand on the brink of this exciting new era of embedded finance, I encourage you, the reader, to explore the embedded finance options available to you. Whether it’s a buy-now-pay-later service, an integrated payment system in your favorite app, or a financial service offered by a non-financial platform, there’s a world of possibilities waiting for you.

To prepare for and take advantage of the rise of embedded finance, start by familiarizing yourself with the concept and its applications. Stay informed about the latest developments in this field. And most importantly, consider how embedded finance can fit into your own lifestyle and financial needs.

Remember, the future of finance is not something that happens to us – it’s something we can actively shape and participate in. So, let’s embrace the opportunities that embedded finance brings, and together, we can shape a future where finance is more accessible, convenient, and tailored to our needs. The future of finance is here, and it’s embedded.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What is embedded finance? Embedded finance refers to the integration of financial services within non-financial applications. It allows users to access financial services seamlessly, without having to switch between different apps or platforms.
  2. How does embedded finance work? Embedded finance works by integrating financial services into the apps and platforms users use daily. This could be a shopping platform, a social media app, or any other digital platform. The financial services are woven into the user’s digital journey, making transactions quick and effortless.
  3. What are some examples of embedded finance? Examples of embedded finance include Buy-Now-Pay-Later services like Afterpay and Klarna, integrated payment systems in ride-hailing apps like Uber and Lyft, and financial services offered by e-commerce platforms like Amazon.
  4. What are the benefits of embedded finance? Embedded finance offers several benefits, including the ease and speed of transactions, increased financial inclusion, and potentially more competitive rates and fees due to increased competition.
  5. What are the potential challenges of embedded finance? While embedded finance offers numerous benefits, it also brings with it a set of challenges, including data security and privacy concerns, reliance on third-party providers, and the need for consumer awareness and responsible financial management.


This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. The information contained herein may not be applicable to all situations and may not reflect the most current developments. While we strive to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. Readers are advised to consult with a qualified professional before making any financial decisions. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company. The author and publisher shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

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